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华文: Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
2011-11-4 10:24 回复|
华文: 真正的幸福,不是活成别人那样,而是能够按照自己的意愿去生活。
2011-11-4 10:23 回复|
华文: aving real happiness is to live the way you want rather than that of others.
2011-11-4 10:23 回复|
华文: 人生其实只有三天,活在昨天的人迷惑;活在明天的人等待;活在今天的人最踏实。
2011-11-4 10:23 回复|
华文: Actually there are only three days in life.Those living in yesterday confuse while those in tomorrow await and for the living in today,it is the most dependable.
2011-11-4 10:22 回复|
华文: Come on beautiful, pick yourself up, show me that smile of yours, everything will be okay, I promise. 亲爱的,来笑一个,打起精神来,我保证一切都会好起来的。
2011-11-4 10:22 回复|
华文: Love the life you live, live the life you love. 喜欢自己过的生活,过自己喜欢的生活。
2011-11-4 10:21 回复|
华文: Ships are very safe when lying at anchor off the shore,but this is not the way it is meant to be.船停泊在港湾里非常安全,但那不是造船的目的。
2011-11-4 10:21 回复|
华文: There's no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen, in the right time, with the right person, for the best reason.无须匆忙,该来的总会来,在对的时间,和对的人,因为对的理由。 ...
2011-11-4 10:20 回复|
华文: Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to another day. 每个人的生命中都会有这样一个人,因为TA我们满怀希望地期待未来。
2011-11-4 10:20 回复|
华文: Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.以昨天为鉴,以今天为乐,以明天为盼。
2011-11-4 10:19 回复|
华文: 当有人离开你的生活时,随他们去吧。这只是给更好的人留足了进入你生活的空间。
2011-11-4 10:13 回复|
华文: When someone walk out your life,let them. They are just making more room for someone else better to walk in.
2011-11-4 10:12 回复|
华文: Love lives deep in the mind instead of residing in the lips!
2011-11-4 10:12 回复|
华文: Be better than you were yesterday!让今天的你好过昨天!
2011-11-4 10:12 回复|
华文: Try your best when you are young.Never regret.趁年轻,努力吧,别让自己太后悔!
2011-11-4 10:09 回复|
2011-11-3 00:10 回复|
黄页: 6.在去年的冬衣里找到100元钱;7.与很在乎的那人牵手;8.看到朋友打开你的礼物时的快乐表情9.纯属偶然听到别人夸自己。
2011-11-1 17:13 回复|
黄页: 3.从梦里笑醒;⒋发现心仪的东西半价出售;5.听窗外的雨声想着心事;
2011-11-1 17:13 回复|
黄页: 1.你的话大家普遍赞同;2.与漂亮的路人目光对视;
2011-11-1 17:12 回复|

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