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2011-11-10 10:39| 发布者: Allan| 查看: 3438| 评论: 0

摘要: Salted Lemons Good for your ThroatDrinks mixed with salted lemons are good for you if you have a sore throat, you lost your voice or when you frequently feel thirsty.Lemon Preparation:Recipe:10 pieces ...
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Salted Lemons Good for your Throat 


Drinks mixed with salted lemons are good for you if you have a sore throat, you lost your voice or when you frequently feel thirsty. 

Lemon Preparation: 
10 pieces of lemons: 1 pound of salt; 
1) Wash and dry the lemons; 
2) pan fry salt until it is lightly brown, cool salt on the side; 
3) clean and dry a glassware (wide opening jar with lid) that is large enough to house the lemons and salt; 
4) put lemons in the glassware, add salt on top; 
5) seal the glassware opening with plastic wraps, then cove it with lid. Shake well, and let them sit for 3 or more weeks. The longer, the better. (During the first 2 weeks, shake jar every 2 days.) 
Do not use oily utensils to clean lemons or to hold salt. Do not use lids made of metal. Do not dispose juice from the container. 

1) Salted lemon drink: 1 half lemon, 3 teaspoons juice, 6 bowls of water, cook 30 minutes in a non-metal cookware (or stainless steel); add amount of sugar at your preference 
2) Soft drink: add 1 quarter of salted lemon to a bottle of 7 Up, drink cold: 
3) Salted lemon honey drink: add 1 quarter of salted lemon and 1 teaspoon juice, 3 teaspoons of honey; mix them in a glass of boiled water; drink warm or cold.








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