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2011-11-10 15:20| 发布者: Allan| 查看: 917| 评论: 0

摘要: 男士最應該防的就是心梗,這東西最可怕,特別是35歲以上的男士。心梗及早預 防其實很容易,經絡都會體現出來。經絡和臟腑就是風箏線與風箏的關係,只要控 制好了,風箏就好放了,經常揉肝經某個穴位就可以了。身體疼 ...
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男士最應該防的就是心梗,這東西最可怕,特別是35歲以上的男士。心梗及早預 防其實很容易,經絡都會體現出來。經絡和臟腑就是風箏線與風箏的關係,只要控 制好了,風箏就好放了,經常揉肝經某個穴位就可以了。身體疼痛了,不要光吃止 痛藥,要學會經常傾聽身體的聲音。怎 麼能使得心血管暢通?女士可以哭,可以走 三交經,而男士壓力大,走的是心血管,但是不管走哪,這氣最後的通道是肛門, 就是放屁。跟誰一吵完架,一會肚子就脹;受領導批評了,頭就脹。凡是脹都是跟 氣有關,打幾個嗝就好了些;放屁放的都是濁氣。西醫說放屁是消化不良,其實是 因為肚子裏的氣太多了,那就放屁。

大 家要改變觀念,不以放屁為恥辱。打個比方,開車,好車的排氣管都多,要是有 人惡作劇把排氣管給堵上,這車發動機就壞了。人可千萬不能把排氣口給堵上,這 是 順暢的通道,堵住了,光生不放,那危害就大了——天天污染我們的血液,薰蒸 我們的大腦,大腦就遲鈍了,做噩夢睡不踏實,所以睡夢不好是因為胃不和則氣不 安。肚子裏脹氣睡覺就不踏實,所以必須把氣給放了。今天我們提倡“大鳴大放”、 “百家齊放”。有什麼方法?蘿蔔是好東西,生著吃打嗝,熟著吃放屁,空腹喝蘿 蔔湯最容易放屁。

有人還嫌麻煩的話,求人不如求己,那就推腹部。怎麼推?拿十個手指肚交叉往心 窩下推,先在心窩停留一下,再往下推。推多少下,多長時間這不重要,目的在推 裏面的三濁:濁氣、濁水、宿便。

Burping and farting can exhaust to clean up 

Myocardial infarction (MI) is most horrific and should be watched out for, especially by men over the age of 35. Early precaution will make prevention of MI easy. Meridians can serve as a thermometer to forecast the risk. The relationship between meridians and organs is like that between the line and a kite. As long as the line is well controlled, the kite will be fine. Similarly, if the liver meridian is regularly massaged, the liver functions will be sound. Do not just rely on painkillers for pains. Rather, always pay attention to signals from your body. How do you keep cardiovascular system running smooth? When upset, women often cry to relief because shedding tears can let out the exhausted gas through three meridians. Men, however, when under pressure, take the route of the cardiovascular. Regardless which path it takes, the final channel for such gas is anal, i.e., fart. When arguing with someone, you will get angry with your stomach inflated. Or when yelled at by your boss, your head will want to explode. These conditions are due to accumulation of internal gas. If you can burp or fart to release the gas, you will feel better. Western medicine says farting is caused by indigestion. In fact, it is excessive gas accumulation. Passing gas is a natural response.

We shouldn't be ashamed to fart. Analogy, a good car has more exhaust pipes; if the pipes are blocked mischievously, the car engine will break down easily. Exhaust pipes are channels for smooth air flow and if blocked, the whole system will be greatly damaged. If blood is polluted day after day, fumigation will slow down brain functioning. This will result in sleeplessness and nightmares. If you don't have a good sleep, it is because of the flatulence of your stomach. Therefore, let's let out the gas as frequent as possible! How? Eat radish. Radish is good for gas release. Eating radish raw will make you burp, eating radish cooked will make you fart, and drinking radish soup with empty stomach is the most efficient way to make you pass gas.

If this is still too much trouble for you, then push (massage) the abdomen. How to do it? Use all your fingers curved to push down from the pit of the stomach to the belly. Repeat this pushing as many times as you want. The number of times is not important. The goal is to loosen up the wastes in three states (i.e., urine, gas and feces) so that they can get out from you easily.








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