國內外科學家在研究開發抗癌蔬菜方面不斷取得新突破、新成果。 通過對40多種蔬菜抗癌成分的分析與實驗性抑癌的實驗結果,從高到低排列出20種 對癌有顯著抑制效應的蔬菜,供大家參考。其順序是:
科學的實驗分析證明,在蔬菜王國裏,熟、生甘薯的抗癌性,高居於蔬菜抗癌之首, 超過了人參的抗癌功效。 在人們常吃的蔬菜中,番茄所含的茄紅素,是一種抗氧化劑,能夠抑制某些致癌的 氧游離基。 菠菜、芹菜等深綠色的蔬菜,含有豐富的抗氧化劑,且綠色越深,抗癌效果越強。 蔥、大蒜等刺激性蔬菜,含有大量抑制癌生長的化學物質。 (Translation; names may not be extract) This scientific analysis gives sweet potato (cooked or raw) the top ranking among all vegetables in terms of its anti-cancer effect, even higher than ginseng. Tomato contains lycopene, an antioxidant, that can inhibit certain cancer-causing radicals. Spinach, celery and other dark green vegetables are rich in antioxidants, and the darker its color, the better its anti-cancer effect. Onions, garlic and other pungent vegetables contain a large number of chemical substances that can inhibit growth of cancer cells. |
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