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2011-11-10 14:47| 发布者: Allan| 查看: 967| 评论: 0

摘要: 慎食反季节性水果保鲜的,在这个过程中,一些反季水果non -而成了“问题水果四种常见的问题水果,消费者注意不要误食。草莓:中间有空心,形状不规则又硕大的草莓,一般是激素过量所致草莓用了催熟ㄩ或其他激素类药 ...
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保鲜的,在这个过程中,一些反季水果non -而成了“问题水果四种常见的问题水果,消费者注意不要误食。

草莓: 中间有空心,形状不规则又硕大的草莓,一般是激素过量所致草莓用了催熟ㄩ或其他激素类药后生长期variable -短,颜色也新鲜了,但果味却变淡了。


西瓜: 超標准地使用催熟劑、膨大劑及劇毒農藥,從而使西瓜帶毒。這種西瓜 皮上的條紋不均勻,切開瓜瓤特別鮮艷,可瓜子卻是白色的,吃完嘴裡有異味。

葡萄: 一些不法商販和果農使用催熟劑———乙烯利。使用者把乙烯利用水按比例 稀釋, 將沒有成熟的青葡萄放入稀釋液中浸濕,過 一兩 天青葡萄就變成紫葡萄。


Beware of anti-seasonal (off-season) fruits 
A long time fruit businessman told reporters that many off-season fruits are preserved and ripen through the use of chemicals. The off-season fruits are, therfore, often "problematic". Consumers must be careful with the following four popular fruits if they are not in season.

Strawberry: When a strawberry is hollow, exceptionally large or in irregular shape, usually it is caused by excessive chemicals. While the fruit looks colorful and fresh, it does not taste what strawberry should.

Banana: When bananas turn yellow they look good for selling. Some unscrupulous sellers use sulfur dioxide to change the color from green to yellow so that they can sell the fruit better, though in fact they are far from ready for consumers. Sulfur dioxide is harmful to human.

Watermelon: When excess chemicals are used to speed up the growth and with the presence of highly toxic pesticides, off-season watermelons are strongly infected. You can easily tell by the uneven stripes on the outside of the melon. The inside looks particularly bright and fresh, seeds are white, but the watermelon tastes a little funny.

Grapes: Some unscrupulous farmers and sellers use a ripening agent called Ethephon (which is converted into ethylene, a potent regulator of plant growth and maturity). Immature green grapes soaked in a diluted solution with ethylene can become purple within a day or two.

Per warning by the the fruit businessman, consumers should always buy fruits in season and avoid off-season fruits whenever possible.








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